Updated and extended the Interfaces documentation. Objects can now
be selected using also the Object->Select Dialogs. Started working
on the implementation of the 230 crystallographic space
groups of symmetry.
What is new:
- The redundant Wyckoff positions are now counted and removed.
- The positions and driver arrays for the 230 space groups
are fully working, generating all the Wyckoff positions for
a given (x,y,z) set of coordinates (needs more testing though).
- Refined the report produced by Cluster->Measure->Voronoi.
- Improved documentation for Cluster->Measure->Voronoi.
- Wrote documentation for Cluster->Measure.
- Wrote documentation for Molecule->Measure
and Molecule->Measure->Symmetry.
- Checked all the examples in molecule/symmetry to test
the point symmetry code. They all work now, with different
tolerances though.
- The positions and driver arrays for all the 230 space groups
are written and tested, making possible in the close future
to support crystal building from space group information,
an important goal for GAMGI.
- Checked ALL the Wyckoff positions, for the 230 space groups,
against the International Tables of Crystallography, 5th Edition,
2002. From now on, to get space groups working on GAMGI what
is still required is essentially automatic work, the same for
all groups.
- Generated all the Wyckoff positions, in electronic format, for
all the space groups of crystallography, using the Altwyk program.
This is clearly work post-Gamgi 0.1.
- Fixed a minor inconsistency: exported windows
should not exceed 2 times the screen size, the maximum
limit accepted for imported windows.
- Updated documentation for Layer->Create, Light->Create,
Atom->Create and Bond->Create.
- Added documentation for code style, architecture and libraries.
- Window parameters x,y,w,h can now take values in the ranges
[-screen_width, +screen_width], [-screen_height, +screen_height]
[GAMGI_GTK_WINDOW_WIDTH_MIN, 2 * screen_width] and
[GAMGI_GTK_WINDOW_HEIGHT_MIN, 2 * screen_height]. This solves
the problem with negative x,y coordinates (meaning a window with
its top corner outside the screen). Gtk 1.2 ignores the negative
coordinates but that is not a real problem.
- Added size,red,green,blue defaults in gamgi_gtk_bond_create
(this was already done in gamgi_gtk_atom_create for size,variancy).
Added size,variancy defaults in gamgi_gtk_atom_modify and
size,red,green,blue in gamgi_gtk_bond_modify, when changing
to wired and no color. Added error checking when changing
size,variancy in gamgi_gtk_atom_modify and size,red,green,blue
in gamgi_gtk_bond_modify: style must be solid and color must be TRUE.
- Minor website cleanings: CSS/XHTML files, TODO tag for undone
tasks, updating interfaces introduction.
- Improved the object_create documentation files for the
container objects: Group, Cluster, Molecule, Assembly.
- Improved the object_modify documentation files.
- Improved the documentation files for Group->Measure and Group->Modify.
- Improved the documentation files for the Help dialogs.
- Wrote the documentation files for the Object->Select dialogs.
- Improved the documentation files for the Object->Remove dialogs.
- Removed a bug in the Voronoi volume code:
an int was used instead of a real.
- Splited the code in gamgi_gtk_select.c by files as
gamgi_gtk_text_select.c, one for each class of object, and
connected the Object->Select dialogs with the code to select
individual objects.
What is next:
- Create gtk/objects directories and move gamgi_gtk_object_*
files to there.
- Replace set/get_data functions by structures
defined in gtk/gamgi_object.h headers.
- Implement one or two crystallographic space groups, just as a
proof-of-concept, in order to fix the architecture for the whole
code handling this functionality. After that, adding the other
space groups should be a task as mechanical as possible, essentially
adding the data prescribed in the International Critical Tables.
- Add Object->Copy dialogs with basic copy functionality.
- Add Contents and Container options in Object->Remove dialogs.
- Improve Move and Rotate interactive usability.
- Implement dynamic text objects, to measure distances,
angles, etc. on real time.
- Implement global selection, including global picking
algorithms and selection dialogs that include all the
selection methods.
- Implement multiple object picking, including a
dynamic frame with moving ants and dragging anchors,
to select multiple objects and images from the screen.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.28
1st June 2004
Completed the Cluster->Measure interface for the Voronoi
code and improved light functionality. GAMGI 0.1 is now very close.
What is new:
- The connection between the Voronoi code for clusters and
the dialog Cluster->Measure is done: now all input data can be
controled from the graphic interface, and all output data is
exported to the report dialog.
- Improved specular light effects, in curved surfaces,
by adding a large OpenGL Material Shininess factor.
- Specular light components are working fine again. The
problem was glMaterial functions which were removed some
time ago. Without them, the default for specular light
components is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), so they were not shown.
- Cleaned the gamgi_gtk_light_modify.c code and removed
a bug just introduced, when we added defaults for directional,
positional and spot lights.
- Completed the basic layout for the Cluster->Measure->Voronoi
Gtk dialog.
- Upgraded Mesa for Mesa6.0.1, the latest release. Unfortunately
there is a bug in this version, regarding the pre-compiled list of
the GLUsphere: a black spot appears in the middle. Without the
pre-compiled list, the GLUsphere looks fine. We use this to
draw atoms in solid mode :-(
- Found and removed a second bug in gamgi_gtk_light_modify:
for directional lights, the direction was not inverted, when
initialised, so light would be coming from the other side.
- Found and removed a simple but nasty bug: in gamgi_gtk_light_modify,
some variables were called before they were initialised.
- Added light defaults to Light->Create and Light->Modify.
- Added Help->Current and Help->Topic documentation for level0 dialogs
showing GtkText reports: currently this affects Molecule->Measure->Symmetry
and Cluster->Measure->Voronoi.
- By default, scale factors are now presented with three
decimal figures.
- Documentation improvements: updated the tutorials on cell
interstices and light effects.
- Website improvements (download section: ftp and http).
- Found and removed a simple but nasty bug in the mesa code:
the maximum,minimum scale parameters were too far away from 1.0,
causing core dumps, when exceeded.
- Found and removed a bug in the code exporting bonds: size and
red,green,blue parameters were always exported when different from
the default, independently of the style and color parameters.
- Improved the www.gamgi.org frontpage.
- Completed the documentation refering to File Formats.
What is next:
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.27
12th May 2004
The code to handle Voronoi tesselations is mostly done:
statistical and graphical aspects are essentially completed.
We still need to handle a few topological inconsistencies
and build a proper Gtk dialog to handle the options.
What is new:
- Calculated the remaining Voronoi edge properties. GAMGI is now
calculating a grand total of 23 geometrical and topological properties
for the Voronoi tesselation.
- Calculated Voronoi face angles and some of the edge properties.
- Determined local and global edges (common to various polyhedrons).
- Determined global vertices from local vertices, using cells.
- Added more Voronoi topological properties to report.
- More cleaning and testing for the Voronoi code.
- Testing the numerical stability of the Voronoi code:
seems good, under control, but it is not a trivial task.
- Cleaned the sort-merge routines for lists of slist/dlist nodes.
- Added standard deviation for all the Voronoi Tesselation
properties where it makes sense.
- Completed the calculation of statistical data from
the Voronoi Tesselation: we have now 18 properties which
should cover everything people needed.
- The Voronoi volumes, areas, distances, are now calculated.
With double precision, the total volume for DNA (698 atoms)
calculated from the outer planar boundaries and calculated
by summing the volume of the 698 polyhedrons gives the same
value, for (at least) the first 11 figures!
- Moved the functions to merge and sort linked lists from
phys/gamgi_phys_voronoi.c to gamgi_engine_lists.c, where they belong.
- Apparently we have a good algorithm O(e) to clean
and handle the Voronoi edges.
- Apparently we have a good algorithm O(v) to clean
and handle the Voronoi vertices.
- Cleaned a bit more the Voronoi code and filtered the inner
faces, so the inside of the Voronoi volume can now be seen.
What is next:
- Redesign the www.gamgi.org front page, using improved CSS
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.26
15th April 2004
The code to determine Voronoi polyhedra is now
working fast and correctly, with both outer planes
and periodic boundary conditions. A big win for GAMGI.
What is new:
- White smoke! Everything is now working fine, for all tested
systems (including the 698 atoms of DNA), in raw and PBC modes.
It is fast and stable, without collisions. Definitely very good news
for GAMGI!
- We have zero collisions with periodic boundary conditions,
for small systems. This happens even when we consider the virtual
neighbours, i.e., if seed 6 has a face with neighbour 17 in virtual
system -1 0 +1, then seed 17 must have a face with neighbour 6 in
virtual system +1 0 -1.
- We studied the numerical stability of the Voronoi code in raw mode.
For small systems this seems to be working fine: we have 0 collisions
and faces have always at least 3 vertices. We have now a reasonable
understanding of the dynamic stability of the algorithm. The algorithm
is stable, unless wrong tolerance parameters are used.
- Cleaned the Voronoi code. It is much easier to understand
and maintain now.
- Voronoi faces are now orientated immediately after the polyhedron is
created, which is required because we must calculate the areas immediately,
to check if the faces are too small and should be discarded. To avoid
multiple scans, we add all the vertices in a single scan, using lists
for simplicity (we use merge sort to sort the lists).
- The Voronoi clusters are now painted with the corresponding
seed atom colors.
- The PBC method is now also working and is very, very fast indeed.
Not widely tested yet, it's higly likely that still contains bugs,
that show up in large systems.
- The new Voronoi algorithm is working in raw mode. Very fast,
but still shows problems in large systems, due to bugs.
- The coordinate generators and controllers for both raw
and pbc (general image convention) conditions are in place
for the new, much faster, much better, Voronoi algorithm.
- Removed old files from the download section at www.gamgi.org
and ftp.gamgi.org.
- More experiences with GNU-arch: creating remote mirrors
from local archives and local mirrors from remote archives is
working fine with sftp.
What is next:
- Improve the Voronoi code, with and without PBC conditions.
- Redesign the www.gamgi.org front page, using improved CSS
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.25
16th March 2004
Replaced Tables by CSS layout in www.gamgi.org. Improved
Formats documentation. Help->Topic now includes all the
Interfaces and Formats sections.
What is new:
- Help->Topic now includes all the Formats and Interfaces
sections, essentially including all the documentation that
exists except FAQs.
- GAMGI is now reading the XHTML help files, with the new style.
- Completed the CSS changes into the XHTML website code.
As a result, the remote help functionality is temporarily
broken :-)
- Added the id attribute to light objects when importing XML files.
Lights cannot own other objects, so this is not very useful, but
in some cases might help documenting the data in the file.
- Changed axis to axes in window and layer labels. Improved
slightly the layout for Layer->Create and Layer->Modify
- Everything except the manuals has now been converted
to the new CSS layout and improvements.
- website improvements: started replacing the layout
tables by CSS divs in all the gamgi.org website. This
enhances separation between style and contents,
makes the pages easier to maintain, and more light
because the style file is downloaded only once and
then stays in memory.
What is next:
- Improve the Voronoi code, with and without PBC conditions.
- Redesign the www.gamgi.org front page, using improved CSS
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.24
5th March 2004
The first version of the Voronoi tesselation code is now working.
What is new:
- The first algorithm is now implemented and seems to
be working fine: no collisions and the images look nice.
More testing is required though.
- We have a new algorithm, easy to implement, that should
be much faster and should work well with PBC conditions.
We will implement it on a second stage.
- Speeding techniques using vertices do not work,
because seeds can share vertices without sharing faces.
- Definitely the minimum image convention does not
work for Voronoy tesselation with periodic boundary conditions,
because the closest image is not enough to correctly determine
al the polyhedra.
- The Voronoi code is progressing well: faces have been
tested with several crystallographic systems, with 1D and 2D
systems and large random systems. It takes now about 30s
on this old computer for 698 seeds DNA. No collisions were
found when float tolerances are 1.0E-4 to 1.0E-4 or smaller.
Vertices are now calculated, and the results are correct so far.
With PBC conditions, about 160 collisions were found for
DNA 698 seeds, perhaps because the PBC code has not been
tested so far, so it might still contain errors.
- Removed once for all the extension bug, which by mistake
was not properly removed in the version before.
- Corrected a bug in the memory engine lists: a slist node
was allocated as a dlist node. This is inofensive, as long
as a slist does not try to work as a dlist node, a fairly
unlikely event.
What is next:
- Improve the Voronoi code, with and without PBC conditions.
- Redesign the www.gamgi.org front page, using improved CSS
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.23
14th February 2004
Fixed bugs. Improved the Formats documentation.
Added part of the code needed to calculate Voronoi polyhedra.
What is new:
- Cleaned the Voronoi code.
- Improved the Formats documentation, which now includes
object information for atoms, bonds, texts, groups,
molecules, clusters, assemblies.
- The Voronoi code is doing good progress, and all the
problems seem to be solved (famous last words!).
- In some cases it is useful to have wired bonds with a
color chosen by the user, so this is allowed now. Moreover,
this solution is definitely simpler for both users and coders.
- Definitely "gamgi_gdk_get_root_origin" is not working
properly (it gave y = -17 for a window coordinate, an
impossible value). Changed to "gamgi_gdk_get_root_origin"
instead. Probably the best solution is really to scrap
altogether the window x,y origin parameters.
- Found and removed a bug: when exporting wired atoms
the size parameter was exported, even if this parameter
is only for solid atoms (the size parameter initially is
set to 1.0, but the default is different, 0.8).
- Found and removed a simple-to-remove but difficult-to-find-nasty
bug: we had this code, "strrchr (fullname, '.') + 1;" which should
crash when '.' is not found. Unfortunately it seems that it crashes
only sometimes, making it difficult to spot.
- Started writing a full scale 3D Voronoi code to build
Voronoi cells for any general, amorphous atomic system.
I think the most difficult part is done :-).
- Player with the mechanism provided by GTK 1.2 to refresh
the interface while the process is busy: "while (gtk_events_pending())
gtk_main_iteration()". It works as expected but definitely this
is not something to implement now because it requires software
locks in several places, otherwise nasty things start occurring
- Replaced float fmod by int % in the point symmetry code.
- Revised and updated the documentation on XML formats to
import configuration data, which is now fairly complete.
- Added code to import/export bond covalency, which we forgot
to include before.
- Added a layer error check: far must be larger than near.
- Found and removed a bug in the lightning code (thanks Maura):
By default, when OpenGL/GAMGI starts, glNormal is set to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0).
When solid atoms, wired/solid cells or perhaps solid bonds are created,
the glNormal vector changes and the last vector becomes still effective
in the end, effectively being used to draw other objects and thus
corrupting them: wired objects suddenly become too dark when different,
completely independent, objects are created. Now we explicitly reset
glNormal to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) everytime we change it (or OpenGL functions
change it).
- Gamgi now imports .xyz files containing atomic data,
both from local disk, or through HTTP and FTP protocols.
- Found and corrected a bug in gamgi_engine_copy_out_cell.c:
the cell group information was not copied, so sometimes the
Undo/Save mechanism would result in wrong group information.
- Found and corrected a bug in gamgi_mesa_scan.c:
it was glEnable-glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE) instead of
glDisable-glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE). This prevented
selecting a cell when inside its volume.
- Found and corrected a bug in gamgi_expat_import_html:
the html structure was not removed in the end.
- Separated the expat code from the import code, so
different file formats, namely xyz, can now be imported.
- Found and corrected a bug in gamgi_engine_dlist.c:
Added gamgi_engine_dlist_atom_window and
gamgi_engine_dlist_atom_gamgi, so now all atoms will
be correctly exported in xyz format, even when the
object currently selected is Window or Gamgi.
What is next:
- Implement full 3D Voronoi code, with and without PBC conditions.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation and website.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.22
15th December 2003
Redesigned the code handling cell symmetry and lattice
parameters in Cell->Create and Cell->Modify. Fixed bugs.
What is new:
- Redesigned the code handling lattice parameters, which is now
the same for Cell->Create, Cell->Modify and XML Cell Create tasks.
This removes a few inconsistencies in the code handling Cell->Modify
and is easier to maintain.
- Removed a bug in gamgi_io_file: postscript files were open twice.
- Atomic data can now be exported (again) in xyz format.
- Updated gamgi_engine_count.c.
- Another round of clean-up in the point symmetry code:
now the calculation is essentially controlled by initial
tolerance (before optimization) and final tolerance (after
optimization). These two parameters are now controled
directly by the users, in the Molecule->Measure dialog.
- Added error messages to Group->Modify, when atoms are
aligned: these messages were there long ago, but for some
reason were moved and ultimately removed somehow.
- Removed two bugs related with colored bonds: Bond->Create
was not initializing the default color style when in Solid mode;
More important, gamgi_mesa_start_bond was initializing bond->color
as in bond_class->color even when the default style was wired. That
initialization should occur only when the default style is solid.
- Found and removed a bug in the code handling the
top,medium,bottom window flags: instead of -1,+1 we
should have TRUE,FALSE.
- Removed inconsistency in the code handling the
top,medium,bottom window flags: F1,F2,F3 mechanisms
are now disabled in fullcreen mode. This avoids tricky
inconsistency in the flags controlling the top,medium,bottom
menus and users don't really need this.
- Found and removed a bug in the graphic engine, when
rendering colored bonds: the PushMatrix-PopMatrix instructions
were not properly nested.
- Apparently we have a solid, clean, solution for the
inconsistency in the Cell->Modify parameters.
- Playing with GNU-arch: it looks quite nice. Somewhere
down the road we should look forward to move GAMGI
development to Gnu-Arch CVS.
What is next:
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation and website.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.21
5th December 2003
Added a mode to interactively move,rotate the observer.
Before we could only interactively move,rotate the objects.
Added Hexagonal axis for the Conventional Cell (Obverse orientation).
What is new:
- Cleaned the code handling Gtk timers.
- Added a timer for the messages shown at
the Statusbar when the ruler is active.
- The way we handle Cell parameters (and possibly Symmetry)
in Cell->Modify is definitely broken. It should be not too
difficult to fix and clean this.
- Found and Fixed a bug: when doing Undo or Save,
the selected object and layer were not updated.
- For the Rhombohedric Lattice, added Hexagonal axis for the
Conventional Cell (Obverse orientation), maintaining Rhombohedric axis
for the Primitive Cell. The pattern occupancy rules are also working
for the Conventional Rhombohedric cell.
- Added a confirmation dialog before removing a Layer. The rationale
is: all objects below layer can be recovered using the Undo mechanism,
objects that cannot be recovered this way, Gamgi, Window, Layer, should
have a confirmation dialog.
- As a result of the travelling mode introduction,
improved gamgi_gtk_layer_create, gamgi_gtk_layer_modify
and gamgi_expat_object_import, to cope with the differences.
- As a result of the travelling mode introduction,
added an axis button in the tools menu and updated
the tools menu code accordingly.
- Added the travelling mode to Rotate,Move
the observer rather than the objects. This required
changing also the mode to Rotate,Move the objects because
the view referential now can be anything and we still
want Rotate,Move operations to be related to the observer
referential, not the (fixed) laboratory referential (as before).
The changes are valid for Rotate,Move operations executed
by: 1) dragging the mouse; 2) pressing the mouse over the
ruler. Absolute and Relative Rotate,Move applied by calling
Object Modify windows remain the same: these values should
always be refered to the (fixed) laboratory referential.
- Added a statusbar message describing the current
Rotate,Move,Scale values, when the ruler mode is active.
- Cleaned gamgi_gtk_window_reset and gamgi_gtk_gamgi_reset.
- Removed a minor bug in gamgi_text_modify:
fonts were not modified, because the option_menu name
changed and was not updated.
- Removed a bug in the code exporting cell
symmetry, that was due to a old, nou updated group
initialization: (group = -1 instead of group = 0).
- Redesigned the documentation structure in gamgi.org.
In particular, interfaces and formats documentation are now
well integrated. As the documentation paths changed (in both
http://www.gamgi.org/ and ftp://ftp.gamgi.org/gamgi/), the
paths in GAMGI code pointing to help documentation were changed
accordingly. Older versions of Gamgi looking for remote Help
information in gamgi.org will fail due to this path change.
- Updated the projects.html page.
- Added new screenshots, thanks Maura.
- Removed a bug: the flag controlling <pre></pre> tags
in Help files was not changing.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation and website.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.20
8th November 2003
Implemented Atom->Config and cleaned code.
What is new:
- Another round of clean-up in gamgi_gtk_cell_modify
and gamgi_gtk_cell_create.
- Updated the GML files in dat/light and dat/cell.
All files in dat/ are supposed to be up-to-date now.
- Found and removed a GUI bug in gamgi_gtk_cell_modify:
before the three cell symmetry parameters were independent,
so for example changing the system would keep the old group
and an error was triggered if the system and the group were
not compatible. Now the three parameters are coupled: when
they are all empty, Gamgi uses the old (unmodified) values;
otherwise Gamgi ignores the old three parameters and attempts
to get the new symmetry using only the new parameters.
Definitely this is the logical way to handle this.
- Corrected a few mistake bugs in gamgi_expat_import_object
and gamgi_expat_export_object: the required angle for monoclinic
cells is now ac, and for rombohedric cells is now bc.
- Corrected a few mistake bugs in gamgi_gtk_text_modify:
option_menu_name is now option_menu_style and text contents
was not properly reset.
- Improved the code to check string size in gamgi_gtk_help.
- Removed the size test from gamgi_io_token_create, as only
gamgi_global_resources_help needs this; added gamgi_io_token_check_create
to be used by gamgi_global_resources_help (with the size test).
- Added tests for Help incompatible attributes in gamgi_gtk_help_config
and gamgi_expat_import_config. Cleaned gamgi_gtk_help.
- Wrote and tested code to export all the Help config data.
- Updated gamgi_global_main.c and gamgi_global_resources:
the color bits per pixel and the (GAMGI, BROWSER) environment
variables are now checked in a much proper and elegant way.
- Redesigned the way local,remote,browser Help paths
are stored: now they are all allocated in dynamic memory.
Adapted gamgi_global_resources, gamgi_gtk_help_config and
gamgi_expat_import_config to the new method.
- For the sake of simplicity, removed the following OpenGL types:
GLfloat and GLubyte, replaced by float and unsigned char.
- For the sake of simplicity, removed the following gamgi types:
gamgi_long, gamgi_ulong and gamgi_uint, replaced by long,
unsigned long and unsigned int.
- Added ftp://ftp.gamgi.org/gamgi/ to the list of
available remote help addresses: before, only http://www.gamgi.org/
was available. Currently this is not very usefull, because
both http and ftp servers are in the same computer, but
it is an important proof-of-concept for us.
- For the sake of simplicity, replaced the following Gtk types:
1) gpointer by void *; 2) gint by int and gamgi_bool.
- Completed all the functionality for the Atom->Config dialog.
- Improved the tests for importing GML atom config data.
- Cleaned the GAMGI_MATH_TOLERANCE parameters.
- Fixed the Gtk layout for Atom->Config dialog.
- Removed old size code in gamgi_engine_start.c and
removed a bug in gamgi_mesa_draw.c and gamgi_mesa_scan.c:
size is local in solid mode but is global in wired mode.
- Cleaned the atomic charge code (everything depends now of
GAMGI_CHEM_CHARGE_MAX, as it should).
- Improved /dat/molecule/coordination and /dat/molecule/flavors.
- Cleaned gamgi_engine.h, gamgi_gtk.h, gamgi_mesa.h, gamgi_math.h,
gamgi_phys.h, gamgi_chem.h, gamgi_expat.h and gamgi_io.h
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve documentation and website.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.19
21th October 2003
Text objects can now be imported and exported. Completed the code
to export config data. Improved Atom->Create and Atom->Modify dialogs.
What is new:
- Wrote static_init for gamgi_gtk_text_modify, gamgi_gtk_bond_modify,
gamgi_gtk_atom_modify and gamgi_gtk_cell_modify.
- Completed the new Atom->Create and Atom->Modify dialogs,
and corrected some bugs in the new Bond->Modify dialog.
- Fixed the new layout for Atom->Create and Atom->Modify dialogs,
that contains the new parameters Size and Variancy, that help to
control the way atoms look in Solid style.
- Fixed graphic engine for recursive text objects:
scale, rotate and move now works well in all cases when
a text object contains other text object which in turn
contains other text object, etc. The mechanism is the
same used before to link atoms to cells. This is
definitely good news for our graphic engine.
- In text objects, replaced tabs and newlines by spaces,
so we have the same behaviour for text objects
imported from (Gtk) dialogs and (Expat XML) files.
Gtk dialogs preserve tabs and newlines but Expat
replaces them by spaces, according to XML rules,
as text contents is entered as an attribute value.
Futurely we should add some meta characters to
allow newlines and tabs in GAMGI text contents.
- Added static_init and static_reset to gamgi_gtk_text_create.
- Added code to export text objects, including all the text parameters
currently recognized.
- Added code to import text objects, including all the text parameters
currently recognized.
- Changed the line width for wired Text objects to the
value recommended in the GNU Plotutils package (1.48).
- Added Darmstadtium (Z=110) to the list of recognized atomic
- Cleaned gamgi_gtk_text_modify and gamgi_gtk_bond_modify:
removed redundant char * pointers.
- Added automatic bond length detection to gamgi_gtk_bond_config
(exactly as in gamgi_gtk_bond_ccreate).
- Cleaned gamgi_gtk_bond_create, gamgi_gtk_layer_create
and gamgi_gtk_light_modify: added static_init functions.
- Removed the following types: gamgi_char (i.e. char), gamgi_uchar
(i.e. unsigned char), gamgi_void (i.e. void *), gamgi_short (i.e. short)
and gamgi_ushort (i.e. unsigned short). There is no real point in using
these types and it makes thinks less clear for the unitiated... ;-)
- Improved layout for Text->Create and Text->Modify dialogs.
- Added code to export local (specific for each atomic element pair)
non-default bond config data.This completes the export config code.
- Added code to export local (specific for each atomic element)
non-default atom config data.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.18
7th October 2003
Implemented Bond->Config and redesigned Bond->Create
and Bond->Modify dialogs.
What is new:
- Separated widget creation from data presentation
in gamgi_gtk_layer_config, gamgi_gtk_help_config
and gamgi_gtk_gamgi_config.
- Separated widget creation from data presentation
in gamgi_gtk_bond_config by adding static_init. We are
going to implement this criterium in all other dialogs.
- Completed the new Bond->Modify dialog.
- Removed redundant char pointers from gamgi_gtk_cell_modify
and gamgi_gtk_layer_modify.
- In the file style.css that describes www.gamgi.org,
replaced "text-indent: 20%;" (which is not recognized by IE,
resulting in a empty page) by "text-indent: 35px;" which works
fine with both Mozilla and IE.
- The Bond->Config dialog is implemented and tested.
- Fixed the Gtk layout for Bond->Config, which includes
all the view parameters for Bonds (except scale: the default
should always be 1.0, as for all other objects).
- Fixed the new Gtk layout for Bond->Modify, which
includes all the view parameters for Bonds.
- Started playing with arch, the new control revision system.
- Compiled and installed Mailman. Created the lists: mailman
(just for administrative purposes), users and coders. We just
need to add the old texts and email addresses before we are
up and running, as before, but this time in full control
(as far as you are in full control on IT these days...)!
- Completed the new Bond->Create dialog and cleaned the code creating bonds.
- Moved gamgi.org to Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa.
- Fixed the new Gtk layout for Bond->Create, which
includes all the view parameters for Bonds.
- When the selected object is Gamgi or Window, removed the
code to scale,move,rotate the current layer, introduced weeks ago.
This allows users to specificaly select those objects to prevent
unwanted rotations,moves,scales. As the current object is now
permanently shown in the statusbar, users can immeadiately
see if they are selecting Window or Gamgi by mistake.
- The window->focus object and window->layer objects are now
indicated in the statusbar (first on red, then on the default
- The website download section now supports FTP also.
- Created mechanisms to show,update,reset window->focus object
and window->layer layer in each window statusbar, to increase usability.
When objects are selected, these mechanisms are already working.
They are not implemented yet when objects are created,modified,removed
- To increase usability, added the following characters
"()[]{}<>+-." to the list of allowed characters in object names.
This is useful for example in coordination compounds, and planes,
directions as well.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.17
10th September 2003
Added Gamgi->Config and Layer->Config dialogs. Added new styles
to represent Atoms and Bonds.
What is new:
- Added color,red,green,blue parameters to expat functions
that export bond object,config data.
- Added color,red,green,blue parameters to expat functions
that import bond object,config data.
- Added size,variancy parameters to atom,bond objects in
import,export expat functions.
- Added the global parameters to gamgi->atom,gamgi->bond
in export expat functions.
- Removed gamgi->window->x, gamgi->window->y, gamgi->window->width,
and gamgi->window->height: users don't really want to configure these
- Added a new style to represent bonds, where these have
their own color, exactly as in plastic models.
- Solved the text color and alignment issues, in GtkStatusBar:
This allows our statusbar messages to be much more friendly.
- Added variancy,size parameters for atoms and bond size
parameters for bonds. Previously these parameters were defined
globally only. This means that now we can have very different
atom, bond styles in the same space: layer, cell, cluster,
molecule, group, etc.
- Cleaned the code handling the layer perspective parameters.
- Cleaned the code handling the layer modelview parameters.
- Added and tested the Gamgi->Config dialog.
- Removed negative color components in lights:
users don't need this and is confusing.
- Added and tested the Layer->Config dialog.
- Removed a bug in the gamgi_gtk_key.c keystroke handling code and
cleaned the code.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.16
2nd September 2003
Essentially a cleaning release.
What is new:
- Elements without config parameters now give an error when
imported with any config parameters (instead of being silently
ignored, as before).
- Added a tolerance (GAMGI_MATH_TOLERANCE) in all floating point
comparisons that occur in gamgi_expat_export_object.c and
- Removed gamgi->gamgi->font: users don't really want
to configure these parameters.
- Removed gamgi->layer->axis, gamgi->layer->visibility_in,
gamgi->layer->visibility_in, gamgi->layer->[red,gree,blue]:
users don't really want to configure these parameters.
- Removed gamgi->cell->red, gamgi->cell->red,
gamgi->cell->red: users don't really want to configure
these parameters.
- Removed gamgi->light->ambient_[rgb], gamgi->light->diffuse_[rgb],
gamgi->light->specular_[rgb]: users don't really want to configure
these parameters.
- Added code to export all the gamgi->layer config parameters.
- Removed gamgi->window->top, gamgi->window->medium,
gamgi->window->bottom: users don't really want to configure
these parameters.
- Added code to export all the gamgi->gamgi config parameters.
- Removed gamgi->gamgi->color, gamgi->gamgi->order,
gamgi->gamgi->scale and gamgi->gamgi->attenuation:
users don't really want to configure these parameters.
- Removed a few usability glitches: window origin and size
are now exported, text_create dialogs are not automatically
removed, conventional volume is now the cells default.
- Improved www.gamgi.org and changed the style to (IBM) blue colors.
- Cleaned the tools menu and hruler code, and moved it from
gamgi_gtk_bottom.c to gamgi_gtk_window.c (former gamgi_gtk_window.c).
- The code collecting global resources is now reunited in a single
file, gamgi_global_resources. Previously this code was in
gamgi_global_main, gamgi_global_start and gamgi_mesa_resources.
- Improved the usability of the rotate,scale,move tool buttons:
added an active (red) color when the button is active and removed
the noisy beep when the button is selected.
- Cleaned the file writing code, so now there is only one fprintf
function and only one error checking function, when writing to disk.
For example .xml and .ps files are now handled by the same functions.
- Added File->Config in Window top menu and Help topic menu.
- Removed the Scope code (container, contents,etc.) in
the dialogs to remove objects, until we write this stuff,
which at the moment can only confuse users.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.15
22th August 2003
Solved two OpenGL issues (half-bonds and partial transparency),
cleaned the XML (GML) object exporting code and added all the
required infra-structure to export XML (GML) config data.
What is new:
- Added the infra-structure required to export XML/GML config
data. The code is simple and elegant, thus easy to maintain.
Now we just have to add all the config parameters... ;-)
- Redesigned the code that exports XML/GML object data.
The code is much more elegant now, output writing errors
can now be properly checked, element smart closing is now
working for all elements (even gml), and the layout is now
properly established to soon start writing config data.
- Found and removed a bug in gamgi_expat_export.c: bonds
were never printed out when the object with focus was Gamgi,
due to the scope searched when bond parent is determined.
- Added layer parameters visibility_in, visibility_out to
gamgi_expat_import_object, gamgi_expat_import_config and
- Solved the problem of partial layer visibility, replacing
Fog by Blending OpenGL funcionality. It does exactly what we want
and is much faster, because it does not depend of the objects depth
(as Fog) and is done only once, after all translucid layers have been
rendered (with Fog it was done for each translucid layer).
As a side-effect, now translucid layers are represented first and then
the transparent layers (and finally the current layer, as before).
This is essentially required by the blending mechanism, and it
makes sense, as transparent layers should have priority over
translucid layers.
- Solved the problem of less-than-perfect half-bond rendering
due to floating point innacuracies and the way OpenGL handles lines.
This was probably our top bug now, because it seriously compromised
the quality of bond representations, both wired and solid.
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.14
13th August 2003
Added about 250 new structures to $GAMGI/dat/molecule/.
Added the first config dialog: Help->Config. Corrected
several bugs.
What is new:
- Added automatically a slash "/" for both local and remote
pathnames, as a / too much is ok, a / too little is ko.
- Found and removed a little bug with symlinks for Help->Search:
when using Local+Browser, that resulted in browsers not finding
the CSS style, because the real and linked files were at different
directory depths. Changed keywords/ to users/keywords/, so both
files have now the same depth.
- Updated Help->Config on GML files, so now users can configure
directly on its default GML file the documentation source, the
documentation agent and their pathnames.
- Added Help->Config, so now users can configure on-the-fly
the documentation source, the documentation agent and their
- Simplified the whole window model: now task0, help0 and config
dialogs are exactly the same. gamgi->help0 is handled by
window->task0, gamgi->help1 is replaced by window->help. For final
users, there are now task0, task1 (non-modal, fixed, local) help
(non-modal non-fixed, local), and question, message (modal, fixed,
global) dialogs.
- Added more structures to the
$GAMGI/dat/molecule/fullerenes directory.
- Replaced gamgi_gtk_help_text (used locally and also in
gamgi_gtk_help_start) and static_text (used in
gamgi_gtk_molecule_measure) by a single function,
- Added Config topics to Help->Topic tree.
- Removed Config options for width, height in Help
and other GtkText widgets: we don't really need this.
- Improved window menus: 1) now menuitems are aligned
some space from left; 2) options not available yet changed
to grey; 3) added menuitems for Config, at the very end,
after separators, to emphasize that this is different.
- Sent messages to people maintainig structural databases,
asking if they are happy we use their data to create our
GML files.
- Added bonds to the fullerenes structures,
in the $GAMGI/dat/molecule/fullerenes directory.
- Added more molecules to the sugars directory,
from the Glactone's CD-ROM of PDB Files.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/flavors,
containing molecules producing flavors and fragrances,
from the Glactone's CD-ROM of PDB Files.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/silicates,
containing silicate clusters that I studied during my PhD.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/hydrocarbons,
containing hydrocarbons from the Mathmol molecular library.
- In Group->Modify, when torsion is set to 0, sometimes
the atom seems to disappear. Actually this is not a bug.
What happens is, for some specific angles (typically
this happens for CH3 methyl groups with tetrahedral angles),
after modifying the atom coordinates, the new atom position
becomes exactly the same as for some other atom around, so
both atoms occupy the same visual point and it looks as if
the modified atom had disappeared, which is definitely not
the case. This is not really a bug, it is the correct procedure,
the solution is just to press Undo and next time to choose
better the atom sequence to define the torsion angle.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/photosynthesis,
containing molecules from Mathmol molecular library that
participating in photosynthesis.
- Changed default colors for N, P, Na, Cl and S. Esentially
these are the usual CPK colors, with minor modifications.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/sugars,
containing the sugars in the Mathmol molecular library.
- Eventually I made my mind about colors for elements
in the periodoc table of elements: we will define colors
one by one, according to the properties of the elements,
according to the CPK model, and making sure that each
element has a different color.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/lipids,
containing the lipids in the Mathmol molecular library.
- Found and removed a bug in the bond creating bonds:
Both atoms must be marked in the first scan, otherwise
bonded atoms might be marked too late, the ids are
not written to output and bonds parent ids are wrong.
- Found and removed a little bug on the XML exporting code:
default atom type and mass are printed for isolated atoms.
There are actually two problems here, the mass and type
bugs are unrelated. The mass bug was removed in a satistactory
way, by decreasing the default masses to 4 decimal figures only,
so default masses for atoms created on GAMGI and from GML files
are the same. This consistency will go away, however, if users
decrease the decimal figures used to represent mass, as default
masses created from GAMGI will have less significant numbers
than masses created from GML files, so they will be different
and will be printed by default in output files. The type bug
was removed by requiring always a non-empty type, and setting
the same default for both GUI and GML IO mechanisms.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/drugs,
containing most common drugs, from different sources.
- Added a new directory $GAMGI/dat/molecule/nanotube,
containing Armchair (n,n) and Zigzag (n,0) nanotubes.
- Converted the aminoacids section of Mathmol to GML:
the 20 proteic amonoacids that form the building blocks
of life are now in $GAMGI/dat/molecule/life.
- Added another group of structures to $GAMGI/dat/molecule/symmetry,
created by Tullio Pilati, Alessandra Forni, to test the
program Symmol, plus P.Seiler, J.D.Dunitz and Rudolf Hundt.
- It seems the gtk bug on file_selection only happens with the
gtk library compiled in Suse 8.1, probably due to the choice of
compiling flags they used to build it. When downloading Gtk
directly from www.gtk.org and compilling it myself, the problem
What is next:
- Improve Point Symmetry Tolerance.
- Improve GAMGI usability with gtk_events_pending, etc.
- Rewrite the entire bond drwaing code.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
- Review the entire GAMGI code, file by file.
GAMGI 0.09.13
31th July 2003
This version completes work that we have been
developing in the previous releases: point group
determination, system/lattice/group cell symmetry.
Counting down to GAMGI 0.10.
What is new:
- Found and removed a bug in the code exporting cells,
(introduced in version 0.09.7): the origin position was never
printed out, because cell->points is now constant, after we
changed the way cells are rotated and moved.
- The new system/lattice/group way of handling cell
symmetry is now implemented in GAMGI XML importing and
exporting code. This also means that all the cell files
in $GAMGI/dat must be changed to the new format.
- Implemented a color periodic table, where colors are
a function of atomic numbers only. Chemical usability
might not be optimal though, needs improvements.
- Found a bug in Gtk1.2.10,in gtk_file_selection, that
shows up in File->Import: after double-clicking several times,
a gtk warning is shown about gtk_object_set_data with unknown
object. Fortunately not a critical bug.
- Found and removed a bug: conventional axes were mistakenly
used when building spherical and rhombus cell volumes, instead
of primitive axes as it should: corrected.
- Moved the Monoclinic crystallographic system from the
second-setting (c unique axis) to the first-setting (b-unique
axis). The advantage of this change is that the Monoclinic
base-centered lattice can now be defined as C-centered, exactly
as the Orthorhombic base-centered lattice. Therefore all base-centered
lattices are now handled in GAMGI as C-based, with considerable
advantages for everyone. Unfortunately, The International Tables
of Crystallography and most crystallographic sources handle
Orthorhombic space groups 38-41 as A-centered, so for these
4 space groups we use a different setting to transform them
in C-centered space groups, as can be seen in the list of
space groups produced by Cell->Create or Cell->Modify (the
exact procedure is described in International Tables
of Crystallography). This implies to permut cell parameters
and atom coordinates according to the transformation
(a,b,c)->(b,c.a), relatively to the values printed in International
Tables of Crystallography. Fortunately this only happens for these
4 space groups, out of 230. Moreover, these 4 space groups are not
very common in Nature.
- Added 0 for space groups, as a way to reset previous group
information in Cell->Modify. In Cell->Create, empty and 0
mean the same (unknown group). In Cell->Modify, empty means keep
current group information, 0 means set group to 0 (unknown).
- Cleaned the mechanism to select Gamgi, Window and Layer using
a double click (before, Status bar was not updated and the beep sound
was not activated, in this special case).
- Moreover, in name of simplicity, removed the parent(s) identification
in the Status bar message, when an object is selected.
- Improved the usability when Gamgi or Window is selected: now
Gamgi checks if the object with focus is Gamgi or Window, and
when it is, GAMGI automatically uses the current layer to rotate,
translate and scale (either with the mouse or using the ruler).
- Added test files for all point groups of symmetry, in
Gamgi XML format (copied from Serguei Patchkovskii's symmetry code).
- Cleaned the reporting section of the point symmetry
- Molecule->Measure can now be used to determine the
chemical point group of symmetry. We need to fine tune
the various tolerances used to determine the symmetry
elements though.
- Added a function with a variable argument list,
to insert text in GtkText with printf variable formats.
Used this function to clean Help->Start and Molecule->Measure.
- Moved the color settings for showing information,
from gamgi->help to gamgi->gamgi, as they are going
to be used throughout GAMGI, not just in the Help section.
- Removed the configuration options for width_min, height_min,
both for top windows and help windows. This information should
not be configurable, really. Of course it can still be changed
at compile time.
What is next:
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Convert the EXAMPLE symmetry files
of Symmol to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Improve Manuals documentation.
- Improve Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.12
21th July 2003
Introduced crystallographic space groups of symmetry in GAMGI.
This is mostly a working release, several things are not properly
tested or are in development (the change Monoclinic B->C, for example).
What is new:
- Improved and cleaned the Systems/Lattices/Groups interface
in Cell->Create and Cell->Modify.
- Started the process of improving the way we handle
Monoclinic base-centered lattices (change from B-centerd
to C-centered) and Rombohedric lattices (add conventional
hexagonal axes, obverse orientation, and modify the orientation
of the primitive, rombohedral, cell, to make both conveniently
- Automatic sensitive/insensitive mechanisms to handle
valid/invalid lattice parameters are now fully working,
including systems, lattices and space groups.
- Cleaned names for functions and arrays regarding cell crystal
and text font code.
- Changed the order of the angles defining lattice parameters,
so below each a,b,c axis is now the corresponding alpha, beta, gamma
angle, as usually defined in Crystalography.
- Merged the Systems/Lattices/Groups interface with Cell->Create
and Cell->Modify.
- Removed a couple of bugs in the "static_changed" routines
of the Cell crystal interface.
Completed the interface that will be used in Cell->Create and Cell->Modify
to handle simultaneously systems, lattices and space groups.
- Clarified the issue of handling point group symmetry, considering
all symmetry operations (chemical groups) and considering only operations
compatible with translation symmetry (crystallographic groups).
- We are going to implement conventional cells for rombohedric
lattices using obverse hexagonal axes.
- We are going to change centered monoclinic lattices from the
first setting (B-centered) to the second setting setting (C-centered),
so all base-centered lattices are C-based (and not B- or A-based).
- We are going to change the order of the crystal angle parameters,
so each angle will appear immediately below the corresponding normal
axis (i.e. bc below a, ac below b and ab below c).
What is next:
- Improve the code determining point group symmetry.
- Complete basic Help documentation.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Add Help configuration from XML files.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Convert to XML Gamgi format the files describing all the
point symmetry groups with rotation order not larger than 8.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.11
5th July 2003
Merged the point symmetry code (though it is not
usable yet) and added Help->Start. This is mostly
a working release.
What is new:
- Added xyz files describing all point symmetry groups with
rotation order not larger than 8 to $GAMGI/data/molecule/symmetry.
- Minor updates in copyrights and people attributions.
- Ported the point symmetry code to GAMGI. Made a brief
test, it seems to be working, but is not usable yet.
- Improved minor aspects in the point symmetry code, regarding
D0h, C0v and Kh groups (with infinite rotation axes).
- There is a free code to determine all the elements of symmetry in
space groups, written by J. Luis Martins, that we can adapt to run in Gamgi.
This includes lattice and point operations, plus screw rotations and glides.
Definitely good news!
- We have now a good solution to handle space groups in Gamgi and
use this information to create cristal structures.
- The point symmetry code now calculates all the
symmetry operations, for all groups.
- Cleaned the optimization section of the
point symmetry code.
- Found and removed a bug in the code to link Wigner_Seitz
cells: the closer node is not necessarily one of the eight
vertices of the primitive cell that contains the object,
it can be the vertex of an adjacent primitive cell
(in fact this problem should occur only for triclinic,
monoclinic and trigonal lattices, exactly the lattices
where we are not calculating WS cells yet).
- More cleaning work in the point symmetry code.
- Started working on the point crystallographic groups:
we can now convert about half of the chemical group
cases to its corresponding crystallographic groups.
- After finding the chemical group, an exaustive set of
tests is now applied (for any rotation order) to ensure that
the symmetry elements found are consistent with the group.
- The rotation order limitation is gone. Now we can have
chemical groups with any rotation order (D237d, C128v...).
- The string comparison to get the group is gone. Now we
have a proper algorithm to get all the chemical groups.
- Point symmetry code: removed all the memleaks; clarified
some points, thanks to Serguei.
- Found another code to determine pont group symmetry, very
similar in its goals (but with totally different algorithms)
- Point symmetry code: updated the macros, cleaned again the whole thing.
We need to remove memleaks and understand the optimization code; after
that we need to implement a generic algorithm to get the point group,
this way removing all the current dependencies on rotation order.
After that, we can start thinking about porting it to GAMGI!
- More progress on the point symmetry code: i) we have now a global
understanding of the code; ii) after cleaning the code, it runs 10%
faster; iii) the global variables are gone; iv) the set of
tests now includes all the groups that the code can currently detect;
v) we are working on the algorithm to get the point group, to
replace the current string comparison, this way allowing us to
obtain chemical groups with higher, unlimited, rotation axes.
- The point symmetry code to find the improper rotation axes
is essentially understood.
- Added Help Start, minor refinements in the help documentation
and organization, added a slash internally to the path of the
GAMGI environment variable, because a slash too little is bad
but a slash too much is ok.
- More progress regarding point symmetry code: the code to
find the proper rotation axes is understood (infinite, two-fold
and higher order axis, without limit).
- Point symmetry code: the reporting functions are under control.
- Added functionality to change all the Help configuration data
from GML (XML) files, including control data (local, browser), color
data (background, foreground, title, bold, link) and geometry
data (width, height, width_min, height_min).
- Improved Help Tutorial.
- Good progress on the point symmetry code: inversion and
reflection are mostly under control.
What is next:
- Improve the code determining point group symmetry.
- Complete basic Help documentation.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Add Help configuration from XML files.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Convert to XML Gamgi format the files describing all the
point symmetry groups with rotation order not larger than 8.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.10
23th May 2003
This release completes the basic Help infra-structure in GAMGI:
Help->Current, Help->Topic, Help->Search and Help->Tutorial
are all working fine, happilly reading the XHTML files (Help->Start will
be added soon).
What is new:
- Updated the Help documentation.
- Cleaned the Current, Topic, Search and Tutorial Help options.
- Current, Topic, Search and Tutorial Helps are now working
fine with XHTML files, with local and remote data, with gamgi
and browser agent.
- Added proper space handling to documentation Help dialogs.
Ascii characters with accents (essentially representing ISO-8859-1
character set) are accepted. Special symbols, that start
with an ampersand, are handled automatically.
- Removed a bug in gamgi_expat_import.c: on line of code
that was impossible to be executed but potentially damaging
because it was a potential source of confusion (and it would
crash GAMGI if one day we changed the logic and the test would
start to be executed).
- Added fonts and colors to documentation Help dialogs.
- Working on the code to determine the point group of symmetry
of atomic structures, written by Serguei Patchkovskii.
Currently the code uses brute force algorithms, and can determine
all point groups of symmetry, as long as there are no
proper axes with order bigger than 8, and improper axes with
order bigger than 10. Good progress ;-).
- Replaced "black" color by NULL on top window buttons and
menu_items, so theme colors will work fine now. However, highlight
"red" color on Help, Remove, Close, etc. buttons and menu_items is
still enforced, to emphasize these labels.
- Renewed this domain name gamgi.org,
with domainsnext.com,
until 2005 September 12th.
- Merged all the code using gdk_color in a single set of functions,
defined in gamgi_gtk_dialog.c.
What is next:
- Keep working on the code determining point group symmetry.
- Implement Help->Start (hard-coded in GAMGI).
- Complete basic Help documentation.
- Implement dynamic Text functionality.
- Add Help configuration from XML files.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
This is the first release that gracefully handles XHTML
Help files, an important step for GAMGI Documentation.
What is new:
- Set default and minimum dimensions for Help documentation windows.
- The new code to handle Help files, allowing users 4 options,
using local or remote (HTTP) documentation and using GAMGI or a browser
as the retrieving agent, is now working, for Help->Current, Help->Topic,
Help->Search and Help->Tutorial, (for Help->Tutorial there is still a
little path problem to solve).
- GAMGI is now handling XHTML Help files, an important step
in achieving a good documentation infra-structure for GAMGI.
- Moved the expat errors from expat/ to io/, as a first step
to implement a unified error handling procedure.
- Changed the "Progress" menu item to a "Demo" menu item with a
submenu with a menu item "Progress" (this is just tested and proved
- Removed the "Control" menu item, as we are going to do this
differently anyway (directly on each object menu).
- The Help Search menus are working again (still as xhtml
red as txt).
- Save current layer in history before importing GML files,
so users can undo it later on: done.
- Rewrote the code that recursively stores GML file names. It is
much simpler and easier to maintain now, and seems to work just fine.
- The merge of the GML and XHTML code trees is now completed.
Cleaned the whole import expat code, which now looks elegant and
simple to maintain.
- The merge of the codes handling GML and XHTML error messages is
now completed.
- Removed a double bug in the Expat code reading XML window size.
- Minor website improvements: improved <img> tags and added <a>
tags, updated status of Mesa bugs, added a section regarding WM
environment, in the install documentation chapter.
- The basic machinery to handle Help XHTML files is now in place.
- Moved the error routines out of gamgi_expat_import.c, in preparation
to handle Help XML files with the same code base.
- Corrected end of gamgi_expat_import_config and gamgi_expat_import_data.
- Improved static_import and static_file in gamgi_expat_import.c
and static_parse in gamgi_io_file.c, so: 1) All files (including XML files
defined internally) are now routed through the same routines and parsed
in the same way; 2) The length of filename and fullname (including protocol,
hostname, pathname and filename) are now safely checked, for all files,
in a single place.
- The fullscreen code was left commented by mistake. Corrected.
What is next:
- Reunite all code handling gtk colors in a single place.
- Improve Help colors, fonts, formats, etc., when GAMGI is
the agent (instead of an external browser).
- Fix the code to handle Help->Tutorial.
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.8
18th April 2003
GAMGI is now importing files from FTP connections and
exporting rasterized color Postscript files. All the code
handling files has been cleaned and reunited in the file
What is new:
- GAMGI is now importing files also from FTP connections,
using automatic anonymous login, exactly as browsers do.
- Improved the HTTP code and removed two bugs on it:
1) HTTP connections with long headers would be rejected;
2) everything before the first "<" character would be ignored,
instead of flagged as an XML error.
- Web site improvements: 1) links look better; 2) fonts look
better; 3) added links to HTTP and FTP resources.
- Reorganized the code that actually reads and parses
XML files, so now this is done by a single routine, which
doesn't know if the data comes from a local file or from
HTTP or FTP connections.
- Improved the ftp client code, which now looks solid
and ready for production.
- I think we have a winner design to the problem
of handling automatic text objects (to automatically
measure lengths, angles, dihedrals, etc...): for each
automatic measurement, the common atom parent must own
the master text object and each atom must own a slave
text object. This should work fine both with online and
XML file descriptions (using ids to link the text objects).
- Cleaned gamgi_mesa_gl_area.*, gamgi_mesa_pick.*,
and gamgi_file_io.* (which now contains the ps code)
and removed the files gamgi_io_file_ps.*. Integrating
the ftp client code should be quite easy now.
- Removed a long time bug in the filename parsing code.
- GAMGI is now exporting color encapsulated postscript files,
(that Ghostview and Gimp can read) of the rasterized drawing areas
(vectorial representations are still far away), using the free
code that Mark Kilgard wrote for the OpenGL green book.
- We have decided how to implement the interface for
configuration data: clicking on the top menu labels with
the right button.This is simple, elegant and technically
it is easy to implement and maintain.
- Started collecting all functions that open, read and close
files (including shell and dialog parsing) in a single
file gamgi_io_file.c. This is in preparation for the ftp
client and also to prepare important improvements in the
help mechanisms suppoted by GAMGI.
- Inverted the vector direction in directional lights,
so it has the same physical meaning in directional and
positional lights, always pointing from the light source
to the light destination.
- The FTP client code is now working fine, with the PASV mode
(the most modern). This means that soon it will be possible to
fetch XML GAMGI files using the FTP protocol. GAMGI already
supports HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 (the most modern) protocols.
- Added a tutorial on directional, positional and spot lights.
- Found and removed a bug in the light code: when rotating a
light (direction) with the mouse, it was working fine for
directional but not for spot lights, because OpenGL handles these
lights differently.
- Removed the old files that imported/exported xyz simple files.
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.7
26th March 2003
Major changes in the graphic engine handling cell and text objects.
Code to read local and HTTP files is now much more robust.
What is new:
- Layers are now scaling to layer->center, instead of (0,0,0) as before
- Changed completely the way cell coordinates are handled: before we were
centering and rotating and moving the whole bunch of coordinates, now we
are updating only the origin, the center, and a rotation quaternion.
As a result: 1) handling large cells should be noticeably faster;
2) floating point degradation is totally avoided. Lots of things
had to be changed to achieve this but the code looks pretty solid
at the moment.
- Found and removed a bug in the HTTP code: in HTTP connections,
the block size can be smaller than requested, depending of the net
connection. We went through all the HTTP code, and thanks to the
expert advice on the Expat mailling list, this code is now fully
working, looks really solid, and is much simpler and elegant than
- We did good progress in the FTP client for GAMGI.
- The functions calculating the center, for each kind of object,
are now reunited in a single file: gamgi_mesa_center_out.c.
- Text objects are now scaled, rotated and translated exactly
as Cell objects.
- Handling termination in local XML files is more solid now.
- Found a floating point precision bug in the code showing bonds:
actually this is a Mesa5.0 bug, Brian said this bug was
already removed and next release Mesa5.0.1 will be fine.
- Updated to latest Expat release: Expat1.95.6
- Updated this trusted computer to Suse Linux 8.1.
- Gamgi is now running on SGI Irix, with four
R12000 Processors.
- Cleaned the code used to handle Text objects.
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.6
3rd March 2003
Text Modify has been implemented, Cell Link for Hexagonal Cells
is more solid, several other important bugs have been removed.
What is new:
- Decided to change again the way of scaling objects.
- Text Modify is now fully working, including orientation
(Euler angles, etc.).
- The origin in Cell Create can now be indicated by pointing
directly with the mouse, as happens already with Texts and Atoms.
- Gamgi loaded 290,000 atoms in about 50 sec, in a Pentium II 400MHz
based machine.
- Implemented conversion from rotation matrix to quaternion,
and from rotation matrix to Euler angles. These operations are
required to handle text and other objects, and complete the set
of rotation transformations that we will ever need in GAMGI.
- Found and removed a bug in the matrix->quaternion code (equations
in the book Games Programming Gems were incorrect...).
- Solved a long standing mistery related with quaternions
and the corresponding transformation matrix, as they were
implemented in GAMGI (taken from GtkGLArea and the green book):
three mathematical bugs combined gave the right answer. Very
difficult to spot, because it worked (with a few workarounds,
for consistency with other rotations techniques), and correcting
one or two bugs would break the whole thing, only correcting all
the three bugs at once (in different sections of the code...)
things started working again...
- Improved CSS and XHTML page alignment in the website: it should
work essentially fine now for most browsers, old and new...
- How to convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion is
a solved issue (we need this to modify text and other objects).
- Reunited all mathematical functions dealing with Euler angles and
quaternions in files math_euler.* and math_quaternion.*
- Found and removed two bugs related with Cell Link of Hexagonal
cells: the >if< logic was broken.
- Found and removed a bug related with Cell Modify of Hexagonal
Conventional cells: the nodes were not translated in the end.
- Web site improvments, including tutorials on CCC, CFC and HC
- Started looking into Patchkovskii's symmetry code
to determine point group symmetry.
- Found and corrected a bug in the axis code (axis
status was not mesa_started or engine_copied, resulting sometimes
in unwanted axis).
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.5
12th February 2003
Improved the font data formats and text handling. Corrected several minor problems.
What is new:
- Improved the ref/unref mechanism to control which fonts must
be in memory at a given time.
- Found amd removed a bug when writing beam lights (the
angle parameter was missing).
- Removed the light material parameters, as they are
not currently used.
- Found and removed a potential bug when creating a light
from a file. Cleaned the code initializing colors in lights
and layers.
- Implemented the layer XYZ axis functionality.
- Implemented in and out partial visibility, using Fog:
objects in partially visible layers, merge with the background.
- Found and removed a bug in the text scaling code: text
was scaling around the center, not around the origin.
- Found and removed a bug in the cell rendering code (it
was introduced on purpose, for testing, somewhere around
gamgi 0.08.28, and later we forgot to remove it).
- Found and removed a bug in the layer switching mode (the
gl_area was not updated after changing layers).
- Found and removed a bug in the code that adds quaternions.
- Removed the arrays for Hershey fonts that are redundant in the
32-126 ASCII range.
- Removed the y-coordinate for each character translation, which
was always 0.0.
- Each individual stroked font is now compiled only when there
is at least one text object using it, and is removed immediately
when it is not being used anymore. Previously all fonts were compiled
at launch time and removed only in the end.
- Cleaned the whole font format and removed the lines arrays,
which were used to drive the font drawing.
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.4
3th February 2003
Added Hershey stroked fonts, for text objects. This is
just a working release, to save data, not a general purpose
What is new:
- Implemented the following Hershey stroked fonts (from char 32 to 126):
Sans, Sans_Bold, Sans_Symbol, Serif, Serif_Bold, Serif_Symbol,
Serif_Symbol_Bold, Script, Script_Bold, Gothic_English, Gothic_German,
- Improved the font handling architecture, in particular,
data coming from different sources is now stored in different files.
- We should change the font data format, from float to byte, to
decrease memory usage. We should also decrease the size of the font
files, to decrease disk usage. More importantly, we need to compile
fonts only on demand, removing the fonts when they are not used anymore.
This can be done using references, and OpenGL generate lists facilities.
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.3
28th January 2003
Improvements on Text objects.
What is new:
- Clarified a problem of consistency between two rotating functions.
- Cleaned Links, Projects and Install html pages.
- Defined style for html pages in Formats documentation.
- Added Formats documentation for Gamgi configuration.
- Wrote Formats documentation for Window, Layer,
Atom and Bond configuration (not available yet).
- Text objects are moving, scaling and rotating.
- The global model to rotate texts is working well,
even when texts and cells (where the model is different)
are rotating simultaneously. This is good news, because
it means that texts will be fast and we don't need to
rely on plan B ;-)
- Hershey fonts are already included in the source code,
although they are not implemented yet. The encoding mechanism
is fully understood though, which means that it should not be
difficult to implement them (just boring...).
- A second version of the Text Create task dialog is
implemented, allowing users to control almost all
the relevant parameters, and choosing the position
directly with the mouse.
- A first version of the Text Modify task dialog
is already reading input but still not changing it.
- Minor cleanups in the mesa_center_* code.
- Minor cleanups in gtk_dialog.c and gtk_atom_modify.c code.
What is next:
- Start implementing point group symmetry.
- Improve Text functionality.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.2
18th January 2003
Roman and Mono_Roman stroked fonts (from Sun) are implemented,
marking the oficial beginning of text objects in GAMGI.
What is new:
- The bug in Mesa shared pre-compiled
lists was removed, apparently in Mesa 4.0.3,
and is definitely not present in the latest
release, Mesa 5.0. :-)
- Removed a bug in the mesa code that originated
blurred lines in cells when drawn for the first time.
- The Roman and Mono_Roman stroked fonts freely
available from Sun Microsystems, that are included
with both GLUT and Freeglut, are now implemented
in GAMGI, as part of the text object functionality.
- Cleaned gtk (function names, layer parameters),
and expat code (layer parameters).
- Implemented gtk_text_remove and created a first
version for gtk_text_create, so it is possible now
to create and remove a text object in GAMGI, though
much improvements are needed.
- Obtained the atomic structure (from MathMol database)
for many interesting molecules (though they are still in
pdb format).
- Obtained the set of default CPK element colors used
in Rasmol, though not for all elements. Unfortunately
this set of colors is different from the one used by
InsightII, though it might be equal to the one used
by Cerius2, we need to investigate more.
What is next:
- Improve Text functionality, and start
implementing the Text Modify task dialog.
- Convert the pdb format of the MathMol
molecules to GAMGI GML native format.
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org.
with sections Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
GAMGI 0.09.1
11th January 2003
Changed the website to XHTML1.0 and CSS1.0.
What is new:
- Changed the entire website to XHTML1.0 and CSS1.0. The advantages are:
1) the style (fonts, colors, dimensions...) for the whole website is now
defined in a single file, making it much easier to change and improve the
web pages; 2) the web pages are simpler, because they don't contain style
information; 3) The web pages are now in XML format, the same used natively
in GAMGI (although the language is different, of course), thus we expect
to obtain important sinergies. In paticular, this means that GAMGI will
be able to read pages from the GAMGI website, so all the help documentation
can be written in XHTML and used both in the website and in GAMGI directly,
in the Help functionality.
- Added Cell Link documentation to show how ocuppancy patterns work.
- Added the file $GAMGI/dat/all.xml, containing all the parameters that
GAMGI currently understands and improved several other examples in the
same $GAMGI/dat/ data distribution.
- improved the DTDs in $GAMGI/doc/dtd/, which now include all
the accepted parameters and are conforming with all.xml
- cleaned the code in gamgi_expat_import_config and
gamgi_expat_import_data, to handle missing parameters,
according to all.xml
- deleted the code to remove a window when more windows
are launched at startup, because there was a bug in it and
because we need to think more about the best way to handle
these situations.
- found a nasty bug :-( when multiple windows are open and closed,
which occurs with Mesa 4.0.2 and Mesa 4.0, but not with Mesa 3.0.
Apparently this is a bug that found its way to Mesa newest releases,
in the code handling shared, pre-compiled, OpenGL lists.
- Corrected a few minor bugs in gamgi_gtk_help_current.c and
gamgi_gtk_help_topic.c, and updated the documentation path
in gamgi_io.h
What is next:
- Write the Technical Description, in www.gamgi.org. with sections
Libraries, Style and Architecture.
- Improve the Formats documentation.
- Try to solve a couple of minor and major bugs related with Mesa.
- Time to write new code and decrease the size
of the list shown above in the hacker section!
Changelogs for older releases can be found here.