Set here the element and label of atom.
Set here the element name, which can be
Si but
S i or
SI. When a valid name is entered,
the element number is automatically set and default values are
suggested for the atom name, label, mass, radius and color. Choosing
a new element automatically changes these values to the new element.
Selecting non-default values for these parameters should therefore
be done only after setting the element.
Set here the element number, which can vary between
0 (Du, a dummy atom) and 111 (Rg, currently the last element with
a two-letter symbol). When a valid number is entered,
the element name is automatically set and default values are
suggested for the atom name, label, mass, radius and color,
as described above.
set here the atom label, commonly used in Molecular
Mechanics to distinguish atoms described by different inter-atomic
potentials. For example, methyl and hydroxyl hydrogen atoms in methanol
molecules might be described by "h3" and "ho" atom labels. Atom labels
can have a maximum of 10 characters, accepted characters are the
same as for atom names.
Table pops up a second window, showing a Periodic
Table of the Elements, with a button for each element. When an element
button is clicked, default data is transported to the first window,
exactly as if the user had written the element name in the
entry or the element number in the
Number entry.
Table again (or clicking
Cancel in the second
window, or using the Window Manager tools) closes the second window.