Direction Modify

Change here the visual representation for a single direction or a list of directions.

To modify a direction, click over its graphic image, or write its identification (name and number) on the Direction entry. To modify a list of directions, press the button List (after creating the list of directions with Direction->Select). Parameters for empty entries or Local choices remain unchanged.

To change a direction name write the new name in the Direction entry, followed by the direction number (GAMGI needs the number to identify the direction). To change the name for a list of directions, press List first and then write the new common name in the Name entry.

R, G, B

The R, G, B entries define the direction color, from black (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).


The Scale factor can be used to change a direction size, including its child objects. Direction objects are scaled around the direction center.

The visual representation of an object is always scaled by its own scale factor multiplied by the scale factor of all its parent objects until layer, inclusive.
