Introduction Keyboard
GAMGI windows can be navigated using the keyboard: 1) pressing Tab or Down moves forward, to the next active widget (entry, menu, button, etc., but not label), while pressing Up moves backward to the previous widget. Pressing Enter when a button has focus, has the same effect as clicking the mouse over the button.

Users can enlarge the drawing area to full screen size by pressing Escape. Pressing the same key again restores the initial state.

When several GAMGI windows are open simultaneously, users can navigate through them by pressing Page Up and Page Down. This is particularly useful to navigate through multiple windows in full screen mode, when window manager decorations are no longer available.

To hide the menus section, for example to increase the space available for drawing, just press the F1 key. Pressing the same key again restores the initial state. To hide the tools section, just press the F2 key. Pressing the same key again restores the initial state. To hide the status and scripting sections, just press the F3 key. Pressing the same key again restores the initial state.

Pressing Ctrl C over any GAMGI window or over the launching xterm window works exactly as if Gamgi->Exit had been selected, showing the Gamgi Exit confirmation dialog. Pressing the End key over any GAMGI window has exactly the same effect.
