Light Link

Link a light or a list of lights to other layers.

Lights can be linked only to layers.

Gamgi expects users to identify first the light or list of lights and then the layer to link. Clicking the mouse over the graphic area in the window creates a menu with all the lights in the current layer (local selection). When one is selected, its identification is transported to the Light entry. Pressing the List button, the current list of lights is selected instead.

Gamgi is now expecting users to select a layer, clicking the mouse over the graphic area of any window to create a menu with all the layers in that window (global selection). When one is selected, its identification is transported to the Layer entry.


Gamgi suppports only one method to link lights: Object.

The Object method links a light or a list of lights to a single layer.

When linking a light, the light is unlinked from its current layer and linked to the new layer. An error is issued when the layer already owned the light.

After the linking operation, Gamgi always puts on top the window and layer containing the linked objects.

When linking a list of lights, all lights in the list are unlinked and linked to the selected layer.
