Indicate here the number of plane copies to create and its destination.
Gamgi expects users to identify first the plane or list of planes to copy.
When the
Plane entry is active and empty, clicking the mouse over
an plane, on the current layer (local selection), its identification is
transported to the
Plane entry. Pressing the
List button,
the current list of planes is selected instead.
This is the name given to the new plane copies. The
default is to copy the name of each original plane.
This is the requested number of copies, a positive integer.
The default is 1.
After identifying the plane or list of planes to copy, GAMGI expects
users to identify a layer to where the planes should be copied. Pressing
the mouse over the graphic area in any window (global selection), creates
a menu with all the layers in that window, which can then be selected.
The current layer is initially proposed in the
Layer entry.
When copying a list of planes, the copies can also be created at the
layer of each original plane, by setting
Layer to