Text Modify

Change here the visual representation for a single text or a list of texts.

To modify a text, click over its graphic image, or write its id on the Text entry. To modify a list of texts, press the button List (after creating the list of texts with Text->Select). Parameters for empty entries or Local choices remain unchanged.

To change a text name write the new name in the Text entry, followed by the text number (GAMGI needs the number to identify the text). To change the name for a list of texts, press List first and then write the new common name in the Name entry.


Gamgi supports Wired stroked fonts and Solid extruded fonts. Stroked fonts are faster and are more suited for analysis. Extruded fonts are made from TrueType faces and are designed for final presentations.

When a new Style is selected, the Face menu is automatically updated, showing only the fonts available for the new Style. The default font for the new Style is automatically selected.


Currently GAMGI supports 14 stroked fonts:

1) Roman and Roman Monospace;
2) Sans and Sans Bold;
3) Serif and Serif Bold;
4) Script and Script Bold;
5) Gothic English, Gothic German and Gothic Italian;
6) Symbol Sans, Symbol Serif and Symbol Serif Bold.

The first two were made for Sun, used by the X consortium and currently distributed with GLUT and freeglut packages. The 12 other fonts were digitized by Allen V. Hershey, used by several packages and currently distributed with GNU plotutils.

Currently GAMGI supports 12 extruded fonts:

1) Sans, Sans Bold, Sans Italic and Sans Bold Italic;
2) Serif, Serif Bold, Serif_Italic and Serif Bold Italic;
3) Mono, Mono Bold, Mono Italic and Mono Bold Italic;

The typefaces for these 12 fonts were made from DejaVu TrueType fonts, derived from the Vera fonts made by BitStream for the Gnome project.

R, G, B

The R, G, B entries define the text color, from black (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to white (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).


Set the text size, including its child objects. Text objects are scaled around the text center. The visual representation of an object is always scaled by its own scale factor multiplied by the scale factor of all its parent objects until layer, inclusive.