Help is regarded as an object (as atoms or lights), which
can occur only once. Because
Help explains how the other objects
work, it is conceptually a child of them, thus appearing in last place
in the top menu bar, in the main windows interface.
Everything related with
Help in GAMGI is available only from this
Help button in the menu bar.
To change the
Help configuration data (source, agent, colors),
please read
For all the five
Help options available, the actual
Agent showing the
information can be
Gamgi or an external
Browser, and the actual
Data shown can be
Local, fetched from the user computer system,
Remote, downloaded from the GAMGI web site:
When using
Remote data, the information at might be more recent and
accurate than the
Local data shipped with the GAMGI version being used.
However, it requires web access and is limited by transmission speed.
The formatting presented by the
Browser agent might be easier to read
than the formatting used by the
Gamgi agent. However, this requires
launching a browser, often a slow and memory hungry application.
By default, GAMGI uses
Local data and the
Gamgi agent.
Other options can be set either importing XML files with new configuration
values or changing them on