These tarballs contain everything related with the GAMGI
project, including code, documentation and data.
Tarballs marked gamgi-all-#
g.tar.gz require the GTKGLExt library,
while tarballs marked gamgi-all-#
x.tar.gz do not need this library,
using only the GLX library, automatically available with any OpenGL
library for the X Window System. Apart from this technical difference,
the two versions,
g and
x, work exactly in the same way.
File checksums are available
Older files are available by
Solid Text objects in GAMGI uses
DeJaVu TrueType fonts, derived from Bistream Vera fonts, and distributed
under a free
For size reasons, these fonts are not included in the GAMGI distribution.
Although these fonts come with most Linux distributions, they might not
be available for all systems, so they are provided in the file below,
for convenience. For size reasons, this file includes only the DeJaVu
fonts specifically used by GAMGI.
To make these fonts visible to GAMGI, just point the environment variable
GAMGI_TEXT to the directory where these ttf files are. For example,
if these fonts are in
/usr/share/fonts/dejavu, just add this line
to file
~/.bashrc (or
~/.profile, in some systems):
GAMGI_TEXT=/usr/share/fonts/dejavu; export GAMGI_TEXT
File checksums are available
Older files are available by